Illness and Projects

I haven’t posted in a few days because I have been fairly confined to the couch. Last week Sunday, I started feeling sick with a scratchy throat and a headache….By Wednesday evening, I was coughing so bad that my stomach muscles were constantly sore. By Saturday, I was at the doctor’s office to get checked out.

I have actually coughed so hard that I have sprained the muscles in my belly, right below my ribs. I have two bulged areas within those muscles. One directly in the center, just below my sternum and the other on my left side just below my ribs. The doc prescribed pain killers and muscle relaxers AND even sent me home with a script to take it easy and get lots of rest. No lifting, no twisting, no turning. “THAT MEANS NO FARM WORK” Direct quote from my rather obstinate doctor and much to the dislike of Mr. Farmer.

I have spent most of my time curled up under a blanket on the couch, watching movies, crocheting and trying to catch the holiday spirit. I am just not feeling it right now. I did manage to get a few gifts finished and actually developed a couple of new patterns for little things.

Crochet Rings

I am trying to create a whole “line” of crochet jewelry. I have had requests already after sharing the photos on Facebook for a few rings. Amazingly, they take about a half hour to completely finish. So, they are fairly quick to finish and look amazing. I have only been doing them in white because I wanted to experiment with a big spool first and white was the cheapest way for me to go.

I am working on developing matching earrings and also recreating the patterned rings with  beads. After that I will start working on a simple long choker style necklace with a jeweled pendant. I thought that these would make great gifts for young and old alike.

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